CTE Frame with Transducer

Part # AFCTS02F


Available Factory Direct

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Pine’s Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Measurement System cycles water temperature in a bath between 10°C and 50°C as required by AASHTO T 336.  The CTE Frame and Transducer holds a Portland cement concrete cylinder submerged in the water for testing. As its temperature changes, the submerged concrete cylinder expands and contracts.  Pine’s CTE system measures the length change of the concrete cylinder.

Pine designed it’s CTE system with the capacity to run up to three tests simultaneously.  The system requires one CTE Frame and Transducer to operate but can accommodate two or three to improve the throughput of the system.  Additional CTE Frames and Transducers are available for purchase.

Pine sells the Submersible Transducer separately to replace damaged or failed transducers.