
Pine GB1 Data Files – Store, Types, Names & View

“I need to get the data off of my GB1 gyratory compactor.  Can you help me?”

Of course we can help you.

We cover a collection of related topics on the Pine GB1 Superpave gyratory compactor in a series of blogs.

This article covers the basics of Pine GB1 data files—storage, types, naming convention, and on-screen viewing.

The second blog addresses saving Pine GB1 data files to a USB stick.

A final publication describes printing GB1 files.

Note:  Several models of this compactor exist that function differently.  The information presented below applies to GB1’s with the touchscreen control panel (serial number 5885 and greater).

Data Storage

The GB1 stores height per gyration for 10 specimens.  Data for the 11th test overwrites the data for the first.

File Types

The GB1 exports CSV (comma-separated values) and Wide Report files.

CSV files consist of two columns of data—gyration and height.  These files open in Microsoft Excel and easily upload compaction data into a workbook.

GB1 CSV File

Report files contain a wide-format report of the height data by gyration and save as .pdf and .xls files simultaneously.

GB1 Wide Report

File Naming Convention

GB1’s store data files on the compactor by the date and time the test was completed.  The screen below displays test results for a test completed at 14:00 on May 24, 2017.

Test Results Screen

Files exported to a USB stick from a GB1 use the following naming conventions.

CSV files—GB1_YYMMDD_HHMM.  A GB1 names the CSV file for a test completed at 15:09 on December 14, 2020 as GB1_201214_1509.

Wide Report files—GB1_Report M-D-YYYY H.MM.SS.pdf and GB1_Report M-D-YYYY H.MM.SS.xls.  A GB1 uses the date and time a report is saved to name report files.  It names the files as GB1_Report_1-27-2021 16.46.11.pdf and GB1_Report_1-27-2021 16.46.11.xls for the test completed on December 14, 2020 at 15:09  and saved on January 27, 2021 at 16:46:11.

Viewing Data on the Touchscreen

Access test data by …

  1. Press the Menu button to display the Main Menu.Run Test Screen
  2. Press the Results button to display the Test Results window.Main Menu
  3. Press the View Results> button to select the desired data set.  Toggle through the files stored on the machine by repeatedly pressing this button.Test Results Screen
  4. Press the View More Heights from Currently-Displayed Test button in the Test Results window to see data beyond the first 25 points.
  5. Press the Down Arrow button to view additional data.View More Test Results Screen
  6. Press the Back button to return to the Test Results screen.

Want to Learn More?

The second blog in this series explains how to save a Pine GB1 data files on a USB stick.

The final article in the series describes printing data directly from a GB1.

Do you have a Pine G2?  Check out our parallel blog series on Pine G2 data–the basics, printing, and saving.

Visit our website or speak with one of our specialists at 724-458-6393.

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